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Google Hellen van Meene in Japanese



2006-5-1 - Momus' sees Hellen van Meene as an example of "art-fashion crossover" in Click opera - Tokyo art beat-off. He fails to explain what's "fashion" about Hellen though.

2005-4-5 - Xeni Jardin recommends the New York Times Magazine that "is chock-full of interesting Japanophilia, including this stunning series of portraits shot by Hellen van Meene" in Tons of Japanophile stuff in NYT mag this week.

Female Portraits of Awkwardness, of Remaking Oneself, and of Beauty

detail of website Coincidences, a site for "discussions on the art and craft of photography, and other digressions" (or is it simply a weblog on photography?), writes some nice things in reaction to Hellen's article in Aperture: "the magazine images are really lovely -- a great selection, with luscious color. Check it out at the newstand if you get a moment."
